* this person does not exist, this image was created by using stock photography, Artificial intelligence and retouching to create a person that never existed.

Assemblage uses a unique modern took kit to create all forms of media for social. Our original content is created by combining artificial intelligence (AI) with visual elements such as stock images, archival footage, CGI and original photography.

  • Generated Casting (AI)

    Working with a growing number of AI engines, we create fictional characters to exact casting specifications that offer unprecedented freedom in terms of usage and licensing.

  • Social Media Content

    Assemblage believes generated media plus high-touch artistry is the next era of content creation. We use the latest generated media tools to enhance the overall creative process while removing cost limitations of traditional productions.

  • Image Building & Retouching

    Stock image libraries have improved to an astounding degree, and we are able to create entirely custom images by pulling the essentials we need from these sources.

  • Computer Generated (CGI)

    Our CGI capabilities range from full scale renders for hero images to small custom objects to flesh out an existing asset. When we don’t build from scratch, we tap into existing libraries with access to millions of models and textures.

  • Photography

    The award winning photography team at Assemblage scales from full shoots to tabletop and portrait work. Everything is in support of the final vision and rarely exists as the sole element of our process.

Artfully combining generated media, photographic assets and CGI to build license free images with a human touch.

Welcome to Assemblage.